INFOLINE: +48 814 774 774


is used to rent a bike at the terminal and login to the mobile application

Enter at least a 6-digit PIN

enter your email address - you will receive a registration email

used to manage your user account

used to log in to your user account, password min. 6 characters, including letters and numbers (letters a-z, A-Z, numbers: 0-9, characters: !@#$%^&*()_+-= ?)

[REQUIRED] I have read and accept the regulations of the Lublin City Bike. (link to the regulations)
[REQUIRED] I have read the information clause. (link to the information clause)
I agree to receive commercial information by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by me within the meaning of art. 10 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services from MPK Lublin Sp. z o. o.
I consent to the processing of my personal data within the meaning of art. 172 of the Act of July 16, 2004 on telecommunications law for marketing purposes by MPK Lublin Sp. z o. o.

To use the Lublin Bicycle Communication system, fill in all the fields of the registration form. Before doing so, please read the information below:

  • The login and password are used to manage your account in the system
  • Your telephone number and PIN are used to rent a bike from the mobile application and to contact the hotline
  • after completing the registration, you will receive an e-mail with an activation link. Click on it to activate your account and then call the hotline to gain access to the system
  • also check the SPAM tab in your e-mail program - sometimes our registration e-mails go there
  • if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact our hotline, open 24/7

Lublin Bike Rental System

Download the Lubelski Rower Miejski mobile application, register, log in and pay the initial fee of PLN 10 to use the most pleasant, fastest and zero-emission means of transport in Lublin. You can use bicycles to move within the administrative borders of the City of Lublin, in particular

The team of the Lublin City Bike wishes you pleasant and safe bicycle rides